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News Brief

June 4, 2021Trenton, Mo. |  By: Kaylin Byland

Cops n' Bobbers to be held in Trenton this weekend

TRENTON, Mo. - You've heard of cops and robbers, but one Missouri police department is getting ready for the ninth annual Cops n' Bobbers.

Communications Officer with the Trenton City Police Department Carly Toll told KXCV/KRNW that the police department supplies the poles, lures, and anything necessary for fishing and youth participation can be eligible for prizes.

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Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by an adult and those 16 years or older must have a Missouri fishing permit.

This event will be held tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon at the North Central Missouri College Barton Farm Campus. For more information, you can call 660-359-2121 or email [email protected].